Sunday, February 13, 2005

Teilhard de Chardin

Each soul exists for God in our Lord.

If we want a full and vivid understanding of...the value of human life and the promises or threats of the future life--then, without rejecting anything of the forces of the future life and of consciousness which form the natural endowment proper to the human soul, we must perceive the existence of links between us and the Incarnate Word no less precise than those which control, in the world, the affinities of the elements in the building up of 'natural' wholes.

There is no point, here, in seeking a new name by which to designate the super-eminent nature of that dependence, where all this is most flexible in human combinations and all that is most intransigent in organic structures, merge harmoniously in a moment of final incandescence. We will continue to call it by the name that has always been used: *mystical union.*
[Teilhard de Chardin, THE DIVINE MILIEU, pp. 57-58.]


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